::Week One Results::
BYE BYE Thanksgiving Day Bloat!!!
In the past week I have lost 4.6 pounds! Haven't checked my measurements yet! But HOLY MOLY 4.6 P:O:U:N:D:S!!!
These are just my results on week one! Can't wait to see my progress at the end of 21 Days! Not to mention, I have only been doing the modified workouts since I hurt my ankle!! No Excuses! Yes, I hurt my ankle... I was doing the jumping jacks for T25. I came down wrong and heard a pop. Ouch! I am so committed though and not letting that stop me!
I am not going to sugar coat it & pretend it has been easy! There were times especially on our "date night" that I wanted to cave and eat everything in sight. But I did not give in to temptation and I am so proud of myself!
BUT ~~~> You know what they say..... if you want different results then you're seeing right now, you have to be willing to DO something different.
One other thing that I have been having an issue with is headaches... I have had way more than normal this week and I am trying to figure out why. Hopefully they subside!!
I am so excited with my progress week one & would love to share my excitement with you!! Email me at courtneycanady1@gmail.com and we can talk!!
Wish me luck on Week 2!